Eko Excel

Leave No Child Behind

The Focal Point of Educational Transformation in Lagos State





Mr. Lamidi Hakeem Abiodun was born on 2nd March, 1968. He obtained his first school leaving certificate at African Church Bethlehem Primary school (BETHEL) now Ago Egba Primary School, Ebute Meta in 1981. He continued his educational sojourn to the following institutions: Aje Comprehensive high School Yaba (School Cert) 1981-1986, Federal College of Education Abeokuta (NCE) 1987-1990, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye (B.Sc {Ed}) 1992- 1998 and Lagos State University, Ojo (M.Ed) 1999- 2001.

Mr. Lamidi, Hakeem A. at present is a Director (Education) GL 17 and currently serving as the Board Secretary – Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB). Mr. Lamidi, who joined the State Public Service in 1991 as a Classroom Teacher had served meritoriously with high degree of competence, reliability and dependability in the following offices: Girls’ Academy, Lagos, Okesuna High School, Lagos, Defunct Eti Osa PPTESCOM Zonal Office, Education District III, Ministry of Education, Defunct Teachers Establishment and Pensions Office, the prestigious Lagos State Civil Service Commission and the Lagos State Safety Commission.

As a classroom teacher, his outstanding performance earned him appointment as Family Life and HIV Education Facilitator in 2003. Hence, his involvement in the training of over 2,000 teachers across Junior Secondary Schools in Lagos State between 2005 and 2007. He worked as a lead facilitator in the training of FLHE Teachers in all the Federal Unity Schools across the 36 States of Nigeria.

An outstanding employee, Mr. Lamidi has demonstrated convincing competence having played a central and significant role as the Personal Assistant to the Tutor General/Permanent Secretary, Education District III from 2007-2008. He equally served at the Ministry of Education from 2009 – 2015 as FLHE schedule officer, Lead Master Trainer on Global Fund Project for the training of 2500 Teachers, Lead Trainer on UNFPA 6th Country Programme for FLHE component, Vocal officer for Gender Mainstreaming, Lead FLHE Trainer on Annual Master Trainers coordination meeting, Secretary, Committee on conduct of Annual Spelling Bee Programme, Secretary, Committee on conduct of Annual Jam Feast Programme, Convener, Annual Drug Free School Project,. Deputy Desk officer LSMOED HIV Desk. National Representative for Education HIV/AIDS Matters, Member, Local Organizing Committee (LOC) 1st Regional HIV/AIDS Summit, Lead Facilitator during the visit of Ugandan Team to understudy Lagos State FLHE Project, Participated in the studies embarked upon on the FLHE status in Lagos State and State of MISSISSIPPI, USA, Coordinated the fact finding mission on FLHE to Lagos State by International Women Coalition (IWC) USA, Member, Revenue Generation Team for Private Education and Special Programmes Department, Ministry of Education. He participated in the development of the Lagos State HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan, Workplace Policy Document on HIV/AIDS, Revenue Mobilization Plan, FLHE Schemes of Work, FLHE Students and Teachers Handbook and Inter Personal Communication Curriculum in collaboration with Lagos State AIDS Control Agency (LSACA), Enhancing Nigeria’s Response to HIV/AIDS (ENR), Lagos State College of Health Technology (LASCOHET), Society for Family Health (SFH) and Action Health Incorporated (AHI)

His commitment and sense of responsibility to duty earned him deployment to Teachers Establishment and Pensions Office (TEPO) from 2015 – 2016 where he served as the Coordinating Director in the Permanent Secretary’s Office. It is pertinent to mention that Mr. Lamidi played an unprecedented role as the major convener of the event that eventually led to the development and production of the 1st ever TEPO Strategic Plan.

In recognition of his outstanding performance in all the places he had served despite his cadre, the Chairman, Civil Service Commission sought for his deployment to the commission in 2016 which apparently is a Human Resource Agency. At the commission he has equally played a pivotal role in the screening (Both Oral/Writing) of the 1,000 teachers approved for employment by His Excellency. The assignment which he single-handedly anchored to the admiration of all. In addition, his inputs into the development of the Commission’s proposed Development Plan cannot be over exaggerated. More so, it is on record that Mr. Lamidi is the First Education Officer to be deployed to Civil Service Commission and his contributions to the interpretations and analysis of Policies and Reforms within the commission, implementation of Extant Rules and precedent of actions has made him one of the very rare Education Officers that can stand the test of time in all ramifications.

As a follow up to the above, this outstanding profile had earned him Best Staff of the Month 2010 – Ministry of Education, Commendation letter for role played in development of TEPO’s Strategic Plan 2015, Commendation Letter for the role played in the recruitment of teachers at Civil Service Commission 2016 and Award of Honour for Unflinching support in the implementation of Electronic – FLHE by One World UK. He also hold Teachers Professional Certificate.

He is happily married with children


LASUBEB is championing a new frontier in Basic education in Lagos state. We can't do it alone. Come on board!