Eko Excel

Leave No Child Behind

The Focal Point of Educational Transformation in Lagos State



PILLAR 1: Responsive Teaching & Learning in a Safe, Conducive Environment

1.1 Facilities and basic services
Create, maintain, and continuously upgrade the physical school environment to ensure favourable surroundings and conditions for learning, including access to clean water, toilet,instructional space, and recreational areas.

1.2 Health, safety and nutrition
Provide safe environments to, at, and from school for all learners; healthy meals and nutritional programmes to promote physical and intellectual development; and procedures and tools that prevent illness and facilitate children’s growth and well-being.

1.3 Aligned instructional system
Align curriculum and assessments to high academic standards and institute instructional strategies, materials, and interventions that are responsive to the cultural context of the learners.

1.4 Student-teacher relationship
Promote teachers’ holistic understanding of their students in order to positively influence academic and social-emotional development.

1.5 Early literacy and numeracy
Implement a developmentally appropriate instructional programme that aligns with the early grades standards for literacy and numeracy.

1.6 Research-validated instructional practices
Define and provide ongoing professional development regarding developmentally appropriate and research-based instructional practices to support all students in meeting performance standards.

1.7 Instructional technology
Integrate instructional technology tools in classroom to strengthen student engagement,access to a unified core curriculum, and acquisition of 21st Century skills.

PILLAR 2: Collaborative Partnerships with Parents, Community & Organisational Stakeholders

2.1 Continuous stakeholder engagement
Develop enduring partnerships with stakeholders to support learners and schools in a variety of areas, including facilities improvement, public-private initiatives,school safety, capacity-building for teachers and head teachers, participation in school decision-making, and advocating for adequate resources for more effective schools.

2.2 Proactive school-based management committees
Create and sustain effective school-based management committees (SBMC) through clear standards and expectations, ongoing training for SBMC members, timely technical assistance, and performance-based recognition programmes.

2.3 Outreach to business and NGO sectors
Develop strong partnerships with business entities and non-governmental organisations focused on technical assistance, knowledge exchange, and continuous professional learning for teachers, leaders, and staff.

2.4 Linkages with parents and local community
Nurture two-way respectful relationships with parents and community organisations so they feel they are a part of the educational process and the school is a part of the community.

2.5 High-functioning parent forums
Strengthen parental involvement in the educational process by welcoming parental voice in decisions which directly affect their children, clarifying responsibilities and commitments of each party, ongoing two way communication and feedback, and continuous learning for parent leaders.

PILLAR 3: Continuous Capacity-Building for Teachers, Leaders & Staff

3.1 Teacher recruitment, retention and advancement
Attract, develop and retain highly capable teachers through higher hiring standards;timely, relevant professional development; favourable working conditions (including housing and transportation allowances), and incentives for professional growth and student performance.

3.2 Standards of professional practice and growth
Define and implement the Standards of Professional Practice for teachers, headteachers, LGEA and SUBEB leaders outlining professional expectations and explicit criteria for assessing progress toward mastery of the professional standards

3.3 Equitable teacher placement
Ensure equitable teacher placement (i.e., the level and quality of staffing) for schools based on data-supported needs of each school.

3.4 Adequate classroom materials and resources
Provide every learner and every teacher up-to-date curricular and instructional materials(e.g., books, technology-based learning aids)that will enable equitable access to a viable,guaranteed educational experience

3.5 Mastery of content and pedagogy
Strengthen competence and confidence of teachers, leaders and staff by instituting professional development systems focused on effective practices, deeper content knowledge and professional learning communities.

3.6 Leadership for results
Implement a standards-based continuous leadership system to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and disposition of current and aspiring leaders at all levels (including SUBEB Board, directors and managers, LGEA leaders and head teachers).

PILLAR 4: Effective, Data-Informed Policies, Systems & Operations

4.1 Updated management and information systems
Develop a data management system that consolidates data from multiple sources into easy-to-understand, timely reports that teachers, head teachers, staff, and policymakers can use to monitor student learning, adjust professional practices, and make informed management and policy decisions.

4.2 Culture of data-informed decision making
Create and sustain a culture that systematically relies on evidence – not opinion – when making decisions about people, programmes, processes, and structures.

4.3 Planning, monitoring and accountability
Implement a performance management process that includes: data collective, analysis and dissemination; annual performance objectives for schools, SUBEB units, and LGEAs; continuous improvement planning and monitoring; and timely progress reports to the Board, LGEAs, schools, and stakeholders.

4.4 Needs-based, transparent allocation of resources
Ensure that allocation of resources (i.e., people,time, money) is aligned to data-informed needs of each school or community (i.e.,number of learners, social-economic level, safety, etc.), to facilitate equitable access and opportunity for all learners.

4.5 School quality review
Implement a quality review process for schools,LGEAs, and SUBEB units to assess how each is organised to support effective schools, particularly regarding student learning and teacher instructional practices.